Hi Folks! First time poster here with a question.

This last weekend, my 2 year old cat Pilot decided to run off during a bit of a snow and ice storm. She stays inside for the most part, as I don't want her getting run over by a car. (this has happened to 3 of my pets already) Normally when she gets out though, there aren't 8 inches of ice and snow on the ground, and it's not 15 degrees below freezing. When I noticed she was missing, of course I went on a search, with no luck. I got pretty worried, she's got a relatively short coat, and although she's getting a bit tubby in the belly, shes not a large or fat cat. (was the runt of her litter even) The next night, well over 24 hrs later, she was waiting in the driveway when i got home, completely unscathed. So my question! Should i have been worried about the cold and snow? I know felines are resourceful, but how cold is too cold?