Lillycat's buff coloured tabby, Washington, aka, Washy, needs your prayers most desparately. After a trip to the vet on Friday, where he actually contorted straining, the vet told us she saw a tumor on xray, in his colon. He was blocked, and the tumor was putting pressure on his colon. She called and got him in to the specialist today, Tuesday.

Sadly, the internist told us that it is 95% cancer, either of the colon or of the lymph nodes. This was done by US, and a aspirate sample was sent off to determine the type. If lymph, then probably chemo will be the course. If colon, then surgery will most likely be the course. It is in a "tricky" spot, according to the vet, between his hip bones. RT is simply not an option because of the location. There are problems with the surgery if it is colon cancer, it will be difficult to get clean margins on the back side of the colon.

Life is cruel, and there just are no words to express to Lillycat that comforts her now. She just lost Nevvie. Not even a week ago. It is so unfair, to the kitties and to her. These kitties were/are 9 years old!!!

I will update when we get the results back, possibly as early as Thursday night. But, really, either set of results are undesirable. Who can actually hope it is one type over another?

Prayers, please, for Washy and Lillycat.
