Quote Originally Posted by MonicanHonda View Post
Alright, after reading all of the pages on the forum threads Marty posted... I have come to the conclusion that...

Yes, he does answer vaguely to annoy people and then they start fighting with EACH OTHER and it blows up into big fights. Apparently, they talk about dog fighting on his forum. They also laugh about getting everyone on other forum websites to fight...

I gave the benefit of the doubt that you guys were really trying to educate people about pitbulls, but seeing two forums blow up over pitbulls because of something ONE person... the SAME person, wrote and how he writes it...

someone's up to no good.

Oh, and also the fact that he doesn't answer questions... how can you educate if you don't open up and share your information... ??? We are open to learning... believe me... but if someone isn't sharing the information that is needed to learn... how do we learn? I usually have a whole text book of information in my classes that I learn from. And powerpoints. And I ask questions, and they get answered.

And Blue, why are you standing for this guy when you kept telling him that he had a stick somewhere in one of his body cavities on the other website???? (Not trying to argue here, but I'm just asking because I want to know if he posted somewhere else and it made more sense or not)
Thanks for doing the research, Monica. Find that one paragraph very interesting.