Hello PT,

After yet another long period of school work and many other things eating up my time, I can spare a few minutes to let you all know how I'm getting on with my university application, and to hear how all my favourite PTers are doing.

As many of you know, I'm applying to study Veterinary Medicine, a subject which, over here, always has far more applicants than places (usually in a 7:1 ratio, eep) and has a very high entry level requirement.

I received invitiation for interview at both Glasgow and Cambridge universities. My Cambridge interview is this Friday, and although I do feel incredibly nervous about it, I am determined to give it all I have, and if it turns out that it doesn't work in my favour, then at least I'll know that I tried my best. My Glasgow interview is the following Friday.

I feel like I haven't stopped since early September - what with duties as Deputy Head Pupil and debating competitions (we managed to win our round of Cambridge Union Parliamentary Debating... which means we now have to work towards the regional finals, haha). Christmas please hurry up!!!

I hope everyone here is well and, if I don't get chance to post here beforehand, I hope you all have a very merry Christmas.
