Hey guys, haven't posted pictures in awhile. She's grown so much!!! She weighed 8 when we got her and she's up to twenty!!!! She's four months old on Friday. She towers over Remy already. All they do is play fight allll day... Although, Remy is taking a vacation over grandma and grandpas. She has fallen in love with them so much... we're thinking about letting her stay there permanently. We are over there so much, she'd basically still be our dog. They lost their beagle two years ago and have been wanting another one. They have bonded so well with Remy... and the fact that we will still see her so much... we are contemplating it. Like a Christmas present kinda deal.

Anyways... Delta is doing well. She plays with dogs at puppy classes when she's on a leash, but just cowers by me when they are off leash. I have taken her to the dog park a few times (She got her final shots and rabies a bit early because we wouldn't be by our vet for a few weeks after she turned four months) and she has been doing great there. She played with a full grown Siberian husky the other day!!! I just don't get why she doesn't play off leash at puppy classes... She now officially knows Stay, sit, down, shake left, shake right, twirl, wait, up, and she's learning high five. She walks amazingly on the leash already, it is so different from Remy. I think people just thought I didn't spend time teaching Remy to walk, but even the inlaws say they can't get a handle on her walking. Who knows

Anyways, here are pictures!

Delta enjoying her meal

She looks so old in this pic already

Trying to eat the santa hat

Sittin' in the sun

Miss Poofy ears