This afternoon at 1:12 my little hammy Penny Lane took her last breath. I adopted her from a shelter as a baby. The last several months I could see her slowing down. She ran loose in the bunny room, no cage for her once she found a special place under the dresser to live. She made that her home and I made it warm and cozy for her. She spent her time running between the bunnies legs, enjoying their company. She always came when I called her or when I came home and turned on the light she would come out. This last week she hobbled more then walked. This afternoon I went into their room, had to work 2 to 8 and found Penny laying on the floor, unable to move, she was cold to the touch, her breathing was shallow her eyes stared at me like two giant M&M's dark brown and sad. I held her in my hand, stroked and kissed her for 40 minutes. At the end she moved her little hands as if trying to walk, opened her mouth a few times and then she died. Her eyes remained opened staring into mine. This iddy bitty hammy, I loved her so and she brought so much joy to my life. I am so glad I held her was there for her as she crossed to the RB. Goodbye little angle. I will miss you so. Mommy