my cats about 14 years old hes a nutuered male , he doesnt like going out much ,the problem is hes forever hungry i,ll feed him in the morning when i get up i,ll normally give him a 3rd of a big tin but upped it to half ,he has cat biscuits in his other bowl to , and i feed him early evening as well then , but after hes fed he starts meowing and runs to his dish asking to be fed again straight away , he seems so obsessed with eatting that ive started avoiding him as hes tripped me over many times and tipped my drinks , ive got 3 dogs so his bowl is up out of there reach as i have a strict rule that none of the pets touch anyone elses bowl , the dogs seem ok with this , the cat isnt anymore hes started eatting the dogs food as well, i worm him regular and the others and put a flea cure on all of them , why is he like this ?
hes driving everyone crazy .
thanks carol