Have you ever had a pet or pets that you considered your heart/soul pet?
Post pics if you'd like. They can be past and present.

I have had Rosie my guinea pig when I was younger and had her for 6 years. She would always know what was wrong and lick away my tears not because they were salty either. I showed her in 4-H and she got reserved champion because the judge loved her so much. I never did get to say goodbye she died when I was at school in the 10th grade. She was my "soul" piggie.

Then there's Buddy. He was a basset hound/beagle mix. He was I believe my first "soul dog" When we lived in Nevada he got away and a boy found him and fed him a piece of lunchmeat in front of his akita and his akita attacked him and he had to go to the E-vet. He lived a long life.

Then there's Rocky & Jenny.

Rocky we got after Buddy had to be pts. He was such a joy to have in my life. In 2001 he got hit by a car and he spent 7 days at the E-vet and he came back home. He lived a long life 12 years. He died sadly December 14th last year. I miss him so much!

Jenny we got in 1998 she was the most beautiful puppy I have ever seen in my life when we got her and just got more beautiful as she got older. We have been through so much together. I trained her in 4-H and she did so well. She sadly died February 11th of this year. Losing Rocky & Jenny was so hard on me and still is.

Now I love all my cats, but Tiger is my "soul/heart" kitty. Here is his story.
