For those who care, we've had Felix for a little over two weeks now. (Felix was the stray kitten we took in)

Somehow we did not end up with a flea infested house, which is a huge relief.

Unfortunately, Felix is a little brat. He likes to play with human body parts with his teeth. And claws. UGH the claws! I swear, he's out to get me. He looks like an angel, but he's EVIL!

Lexi and Gypsy are still pretty pissed about the whole new-cat thing, but are slowly getting over it. Felix likes to jump on top of and attack poor lexi, but leaves Gypsy alone after getting his butt kicked. Sadie's fine with him...mostly.

He's already gotten HUGE! And he has a big belly...haha he's been eating nonstop since we got him (and he was quite gassy for the first few days as his belly adapted to the good quality kitten food lol).

Yeah, I love him - evilness and all.


He makes such funny faces....

And just cause I haven't forgotten about them...the others!!


Gypsy (the new cat has made her slightly deranged):

Lexi (yes, she's a little big for her shoebox):