well.. I think you all better start searching your infinite stash of pics.. the time has come for the 2010 PT calendar submissions...

I had been tossing around the idea since I joined but there was already someone doing the job..so this time I got a green light as the previous person is not able to do them this time... I don´t intend to copy in any way, but just do what I´ve always wanted to do since day one and to continue this beautiful tradition.. I just hope to fulfill your expectations..

there´ll be DOG and CAT calendars.. as well as PETS depending on quantity of submissions for that one.. at least 12.. 24 being better

what I´ll need:

* Photo MUST be clear.
* Please just original photos. No photoshops - however, brightening/darkening, red eye changes, etc. are fine. I will fix the eyes if you are unable to.
* Photo MUST be 1600 x 1200 pixels minimum. I don't want to use anything smaller because it won't print out right. If you send something smaller, it will show up small in the calendar.
* Photo can be of multiple cats, as long as it's just cats. You must be the owner of the cats.
* ONE entry per PT CAT - you may submit more than one entry, as long as it's of a different cat.
* Once you send your photo to me, you're claiming it's ownership as well as giving me the permission to use it.

Send all entries to ptcalendars@ gmail.com (without the space)- WAIT! Keep reading before you send..

For multiple photos, please send each photo in separate emails.
PLEASE include the following in your subject line:
"CAT Calendar - "

In the body of the e-mail include the following:
Owner's First Name:
PT Member Name:
Cat Name(s):


A few photo tips:

-Natural lighting usually makes for the best picture.
-Headshots will make your cat more prominent in the calendar.
-The less background clutter, the better the shot. Flowers, scenery, etc are a nice touch.


-I may not be able to feature your image in the exact month you want.
-One entry means one entry - if you send more than one I will choose which I think will fit best.
-If you have any ideas, concerns, etc. please PM me.
-I will NOT accept entries via PM - e-mail only please!