I took the test last week & it came up negative & the stupid clinic told me to see MY Dr. Great.. i don't have a farken Dr. in this City.

I'm still late & for the past month I've felt weird.. like I'm gonna get my period everyday but it never comes? Its kinda like that feeling you get when your gonna sneeze & it never comes & it drives you nuts & you don't feel satisfied.. well I kinda feel like that, but not in my nose LOL

I'm trying to find a Dr. that speaks english in my area & so far there are a lot of non-English speaking Dr. I need someone with a slight to no accent cause if it's strong I wont understand them (hearing issue) *pulls out hair*

I'm less stressed now as I feel like I've lifted that huge weight off my shoulders by just talking on here.. but I'm slightly stressed. BUT just encase I upped my veggie intake to up my vitamin intake. I'm not a pill popper unless I have to be. I can eat any food that I need to get the vitamins I require. For 2 I just need to eat more veggies.

I made a HUGE pot of Veggie Soup. Beets, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Squash, & Broccoli. I blended & mixed it all together.. it's really good & full of awesome vitamins! The Sweet Potatoes adds a little sugar to make it more tasty! It's thick just like whipped potato, however it's red cause of the beets lol

I'm not big into processed doo doo food, & I'm allergic to a lot of chemicals, so I should be good to go.. just encase.. but even if I'm not & my body is just playing a trick on me, I eat like this all the time anyways