I can't believe that my Sunny boy is now 9 years old. He still acts like a big kitten and loves to play with my girls who are only 3 and 4 years old. It must be the Aby in him that's keeping him so active and full of mischief. He is my monkey cat.

HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY SUNNY!!! I hope you'll have many more happy and healthy years ahead. I love you Baby Sun.

This is one of my favorite pictures of him because it shows off his goofy personality.

Today is also Pearl's 4th gotcha day. She was such a petite little cat and she's still my smallest cat at only around 8-9lbs or so. She's got a huge voice though.

HAPPY 4th GOTHCA DAY PEARL!!! I hope you'll many more to come. I love you Pearly Girl.

From This Wee Widdle Kitten:

To This Feisty Petite Cat: