Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post

My complaint is about the people who think that the U.S. is nothing but a nation of goofy, lawless, gunpacking paranoid idiots-most of those people live here!

I am sorry if you thought I was ragging on you. I was merely defending my country from the folks that live here and find it such a ghastly place to live in.
Oh gosh, no, that was never my intention! I'm a firm believer in not tarring everything with the same brush. Personally, I love the way things are run in America, in general. Every branch of politics is far from perfect, British politics being very, very far indeed. I suppose we are just a more tightly-run country and we let too much compassion override our politics (the release of the Libyan Lockerbie criminal a prime example), so the idea of people walking around with guns just does not seem right to me.

I stick by that idea; that guns should be kept out of the hands of everyday people; but it's not my country and I accept that. I merely like to be involved in threads like these for my education on such issues.

Quote Originally Posted by blue
I would think it wont take to much to ban the carrying of knives or the licensing of martial arts training for self defense in the UK.
I found this comment interesting as the answer is you're right, at least as far as knives go; it is an offense to carry such blades around with you, other than pocket knives. You cannot buy a knife, razor, axe, etc, until you are 18. However, this law doesn't seem to be being enforced enough, as young, stupid people are still getting hold of them and are roaming around, unchecked, in public.

We're having a tough time with knife-crime in the London area. I support 100% the stricter legislations on knife carrying that are being brought up in Parliamentary debate. Too many lives are wasted by idiots getting hammered out of their heads and stabbing to death the next person they meet in the street.