This is the first that I've used Metacam for my cats' pain. The brochure says DO NOT GIVE TO CATS. I called Dr. Lee and he said that he's used it successfully on cats and I seem to recall reading here on PT that others have as well. You all know how I feel about my vet; he gave my Puddy two extra years that I believe she wouldn't have had w/any other vet, so I believe that he wouldn't prescribe something for her unless he knew it was successful in treating pain and he knew the risks involved. I did some internet research and several sites came up that said Metacam kills cats and some have developed ARF as a result of its use. I don't want to kill my cat, for God's sake. If you've used it successfully for your precious furkids, please post here. I need some encouragement that I'm doing the right thing. Take a look at this site. There are several case histories listed.