Quote Originally Posted by Grace View Post
Did you read what I wrote - I had to google Code Pink, as I didn't know what it was.

I did not know what it was: I had to google to find out. I saw it was a group of women against the war. I am, and have been since 2003, against the war.

I did not know the things you just mentioned - maybe they are true - maybe not.
I did read what you wrote, I even reread it as I responded.

I came to the conclusion I did because I reread what you wrote. You didnt see the link for Code Pink calls marines war criminals when you Googled Code Pink? Or on Code Pinks website you didnt see....

What is Counter-Recruitment?

Counter-recruitment is a national movement to resist the recruitment of young people into the US military.

Counter-recruitment has several components: informing youth of the realities of military service; resisting recruitment through the schools via JROTC and testing; taking action on military sexual trauma; offering career alternatives to the military; vigiling and protesting in front of military recruiting offices; giving support to war resisters and veterans; and building awareness of militarism in our culture.

Our section on national counter-recruitment groups lists 21 active groups. Behind those websites and organizations stand combat veterans, researchers, high school teachers, civil rights attorneys, sexual abuse survivors, mothers and fathers, city government officials, students and artists. CODEPINK is proud to bring our lively woman-centered activism to the movement.