I can't get the commercial to load but I'll keep trying. It sounds pretty gross. Not sure if I want to see it.

I don't know why but I never get to see Top Chef much. I watched it a few nights ago and I enjoyed it. I've noticed that these chefs on tv are on all the shows. Some of them at least. I saw a blond lady on Top Chef that was also on Chopped last season.

I have a picture of CA, in my own mind, of all residents out on their patios, grilling around the clock. There is just not that much grilling going on in Florida, as far as I can tell. Not in my neighborhood anyway. Usually, if they're grilling, it smells like the cheapest meat you can buy. I think it's too hot to go out and cook. It's just unbearable. People are stuck inside the house or shopping in the cold AC.

Richard, for years, all the restaurants here have served tilapia. It's real common here. I love it. I buy it all the time and cook it too. It's really delicious. Grouper was a big staple here but it got so expensive, many restaurants went to other fish like tilapia.

I also love mahi mahi but I haven't had any lately. I agree--$15 a pound for fish is ridiculous.

Tomorrow nights NFNS looks like alot of the contestants are in tears. I think someone is in tears every week so far. I would love to see Jamika win. I think she's delightful. I read somewhere that Debbie is probably going to get it. Let's face it, Giada likes her so she must have something going for her. I think she might be the first person Giada has ever liked.

What does everyone else think?