Joking about how ugly, stupid, pregnant any politico's kids is one thing.

But to say that SP's daughter (the 14 year old one THAT WAS AT THE GAME) was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez is a pretty low thing to even joke about.

DL is moron, Um, doesn't he have an illegitimate spawn himself? I wonder what he would think is JL made a joke about his kid getting molested? I haven't heard anyone joke about BO's kids? What about them? Cheney's daughter is gay, let's start there?

Yep, SP has paraded her kids out in the media. Do I really care about the whiny kids that make their dad get a dog if he wins the presidency?

Please, stop it......

DL is a loser and a bitter AH, his 'apology' is just another 'neck saving' measure--- Don Imus got nailed for repeating a description one of his co-workers made about an a woman's B-Ball team. Oh, that was racist and a slam against women.

I guess young women who are just regular little girls don't count or need to be protected from any kind of stupidity-especially from some old comedian that has a first amendment right?

Jay Leno is no better and it shows in his attempts at humor.
But, his joke was about a 17 year old who was already pregnant-not a 14 year old who was at the park with her mother. It is also an insult to women who do take their kids out to sporting events, Would anyone be insulted if their parenting skills were made fun of?

I'd be more upset about A-Rod touching my kids, I hate the Yankees!


I stand corrected about the post of the local woman who welcomed the Euighers in Bermuda, that was a news reporter from a cable outlet.


Hey, hey!

No hanging chads in Iran, Just shooting protestors!