Good morning lovely Lina! I'm honored to be the first to congratulate you on nabbing Pet of the Day props! I smiled from ear to ear the second I clicked on your heart melting photo, read your human's loving tribute to her beautiful, "snow white," furry friend! You truly are one precious little hammie, and just as full of life and spunk as you are pretty to look at! Thanks for sitting still long enough to have your picture taken so we could see you in all of your hammie glory!

You and your person make one terrific pair, and I'm also glad to hear you two were able to work out a schedule so that she (or he) has time to enjoy you! After all, you are one busy, "girl on the go, go, go!" (That is when you're not napping! hehe) Hope you're treated to a very happy day of celebration sweetheart, clocking countless on your beloved wheel, munching on all of your fave foods, and being loved to pieces! Cuddles and little kisses to you precious Lina, our very special and most deserving honoree!