Does any have experience with this condition? I brought Phinehas in today for a heart ultrasound because the vet heard a heart murmur when I had taken him in for the bloody diarrhea he was having. It was enough of a concern to get an ultrasound scheduled with KAK's vet who specializes in cats and she diagnosed him with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (thickening of the heart wall). I'm so upset. I held myself together until I got into my car and I cried and cried. She wants me to take his pulse a couple of times over the next week and email her what I'm getting since he was nervous at the hospital and hence had an elevated heart rate. If his heart rate is the same at home as it was today in the hospital...that will be of concern.
I just hope and pray that this is not progressive, because if it is, the prognosis is not good and usually ends in heart failure. She wants to check it again in 6 months (if the pulse readings over the next week seem good) I ask all PTers to send prayers his way that it doesn't progress.

I'm just so upset I don't know what else to write right now...thanks all.