I have been doing a little research in getting a puppy but am going to wait till the spring so its easier for the puppy to be potty trained. So between now and then I want to read all I can read about the breed and training of the pups so I do everything the "right" way. If I understand right they are suseptable to heart valve issues so its very important to make sure you are adopting from a good breeder?

I guess I have read a lot of info. on the interenet on the breed and heard excellent things about them but would like to see if anyone on this website currently happens to have one? I currently have 5 cats and was wondering how they are with other animals also? They seem like a wonderful breed and I am pretty sure this would be a perfect puppy for our cat family. I would just like to see if anyone on here might have a pup or any info on them?

Thanks for your time... Heidi