Quote Originally Posted by Barbara View Post
Four years? So it's more than 4 years that Tubby left to Rainbow Bridge?
Yes, December 11, 2004 was the day the RB had a new blackie arrive, and was one of the worst days of my life. Miss you big boy.

Even though I had seen CJ on petfinder.com before January, we had to wait to get him because we were taking our Christmas vacation - two weeks in the motorhome - and we didn't think it would have been fair to him to pick him up before we left....way too much trauma for one small kitty...not to mention getting to know his new sister in very close quarters....and her getting to know him in the same close quarters....so we decided to wait until we got back.

Turns out it was a good decision because as we were leaving town, I called to get more information on him because Terry was worried he'd be snapped up before we got back. However, fate was on our side and CJ had a little cold, so he was in the infirmary and couldn't be adopted out until he was healthy anyway.

So, the first day in January the shelter was open was January 4th. I remember it was a Monday and we couldn't go until after I got home from work (6:00 pm) and I got lucky and Monday was the one day during the week they were open in the evenings - again fate was on my side. We walked in the door of the shelter, the girl asked if she could help us, we told her we were there to adopt a cat, she started explaining how we could go in the cat room and look around, I told her no, I know which one I want, they put us in a room with him, we said yes, we want him, we signed papers, paid money and went home. The rest is history.

As for the blonde lady, I seem to remember she was a recent California immigrant and was back in Chicago for a few days. Yes, how time flies.

CJ got extra walkies, extra smoochies and extra nummies on his special day, and he seemed to appreciate it because he snuggled with me extra long all night.