Hi everyone.

I'm not sure if many of you remember me, but I need to ask for some prayers and good thoughts.

A few months ago, my youngest cat, Mocha, who is 3 1/2 years old, went through surgery to have one of her dewclaws removed after she got it caught on a bath robe.

Not too long after that, she developed Cryptococcosis, an infection/fungus that engulfed the area where the dewclaw was removed on her paw.

She is currently on medication for this, which has cleared it up for the most part.

However, she has stopped eating and drinking for almost a week now and has dropped a couple of pounds. I have been force-feeding her wet cat food and water for the past few days.

Since the medication she is on for now has the potential to cause liver damage, she is going to the vet next week for another blood test. The vet who is treating her and has seen her case since Day 1 is on vacation, and we will be talking with her when she returns as soon as possible.

Please keep my kitty in your thoughts.. it's so hard seeing her like this and I just want her to get better.

Thank you.
