Quote Originally Posted by Daisy and Delilah View Post

CJP The young man puking almost put me over the edge.

Has anybody seen the new Barefoot Contessa shows yet?

What exactly is that thing inside the Filet-O-Fish? It is pretty sad that some people think that's all there is to seafood. In my opinion, there is nothing better on this earth than an excellent seafood meal.
The CJP? I think that when you intro people to food that small should be the operative word. I LOVE Oysters-but doing shooters the first time out is probably daunting for the first timers. The texture is the first hurdle!


I am not a huge Contessa fan-I like her recipes, but she's too nice to all the people she knows-can't they cook for her once in a while? :0

Did you ever see the commercial where they show fishermen pulling a net onto the deck of a boat, the net opens and a bunch of square fish fall out?

The tagline was something about getting a "square of fish" in some kind of meal. I really don't know, but when I want something different I'll buy one. I am not proud to say that!

Boullabaise, french bread and a good beer, with some oyster shooters to start? That's a seafood dinner!


I just popped on the tube for a second and got some Nigella! I thought my love affair with her was over.....she's making a dish and pulls out an electric pepper mill! Like WTF?

Then she did something that I just adore.....

I have this think about KILTER. DON'T LIKE IT.

For example? If you want to make me really nervous, put me in an Architectural Digest home. AD is a mag that focuses on really nice homes and the way they were built. They do photo layouts of the house and they are immaculate. The house looks like no one lives there. They are beautiful, but they are cold because of the way they are kept. I can see the anally retentive owners freaking out and telling you to take off your shoes and dusting you off to keep their homes clean. Anyway, I like to see things like a book, glasses and a cup of coffee on a table, a cat asleep on a couch, Pair of slippers on the rug...little messages that people do live in the house, Something out of kilter.

So, Nigella is making a crab salad and goes about chopping up a red chili. She cuts it into little pieces, then drops it into the bowl.

As she goes to chop up a lime for the dressing, she pulls out the knife that still has flecks of the chili on it and goes to work on it.

I LOVE THAT. I know that sometimes you HAVE to wipe or get a new blade for the next step, but I hate the cold and clinical way that some/most of the people cook on TVFN. No, it's not surgery and there is a certain amount of care that you have to take when you cook or prepare chicken, eggs and stuff like that, but it was refreshing to see someone cook 'normally'!