Seems appropriate that I noticed this on talk like a pirate day!

Remember the lump on Pirate's side that we can't remove? It's been growing a bit in the last couple weeks. Nothing major just slowly getting a bit bigger. Last Sunday she somehow managed to rip it open. It was DISGUSTING, blood and puss everywhere. I've dealt with lots of wounds, blood, infections ect over the past 10 years, but this one actually made me nauseas. Pirate seemed unbothered by any of it!

I debated taking her to the vet, but really what's he gonna do....she can't handle even light sedation to take it out or stitch it up. I have antibiotics at home so I've tossing those in with her dinner. Her dinner bowl is very colorful--orange, pick and white pills in with her kibble!

Today I checked her side before I left for work. It's almost flat!!!!! It's certainly not normal skin, but the vast majority of the lump is gone!!