I've realised it's been ages since I posted pics of my girls! Unfortunately these pics aren't especially exciting - the weather has been so grey over the past few days that we are getting no natural light in the house and it makes it pretty hard to take good pics. Plus they all seemed to be extra fidgety today, perhaps it's the new treats I've been feeding them.

Ebony first; she was probably the most fidgety so I only got two reasonable pics of her.

I love her expression, she just has the sweetest little face.

Now here's Nightshade; who did actually behave for her photos (a bit!)

She's such a tinker, she's got into the habit of being bold enough to climb down the bars of her cage and run around on the floor. Sometimes she'll also come out and 'meet' Flossie.

Here's Flossie, who did NOT want to be photographed today! It was so funny when I was trying to take pics of her, she just kept running up to me and jumping on the camera, teeth chattering because she knew she was being a naughty little girl.

Few more to follow...