Here are a few more pics.... Her ears are prick, even though the pics don't show it, they are.... though I've seen purebred Aussies like that too.. so not that, that really means to

Her body screams Aussie to me, no tail and all... though sometimes when I look at her head on, ears up... I see a BC face... lol

Oh.. here is the newest addition my friends have.. this one is a

She was supposed to be her moms new dog... a rescue BC... her mom thought she was going to get one behaved liked the one above... even though I warned her the above dog didn't act like a BC or Aussie... WAY WAY to mellow.. she didn't listen... this new one trashed the house within the first couple weeks because they couldn't give her enough exercise (live in town with a small fenced yard) and now lives with my friend cause her mom couldn't handle her... I THINK she is going to be starting Flyball soon...