Since Hannah came home I have been breaking this rule that is apparently set in stone and I must do it or I will have a child that won't sleep or something lol...

Anyway... I have always been guilty of snuggling her to sleep in my arms and then p utting her to bed. I figured as long as she was willing to cuddle with me I was going to cuddle with her and I couldn't have cared less about the future problems I might have lol.

She is starting to get a little difficult now when I snuggle her. she squirms and wiggles and laughs (she is trying to make me laugh) etc etc. she will only cuddle if she is REALLY tired. So I have started putting her in her crib to fall asleep in there.....

I just started this about a week ago and honestly..... WOW. From the first day I did it she never fussed at ALL. she played in her crib for about a half hour and then was out like a light. Now she only plays for about ten minutes and then she is out. but never fusses about being in there.

I am so glad she has taken so well to going to her crib to fall asleep. I'm so proud of her. she's growing up so fast. She needs me less and less everyday