Quote Originally Posted by lizbud View Post
I hear that speech & know who it was, and that's not an exact quote,
but it's close.

Did you hear that BO has resigned from the Chicago church with the
"strange" speakers?

I see fallen heroes!


He did some kind of speech in Washington State.

IT was at a park where the local government had a memorial for fallen cops.
The people who work for BO arranged to have the porta potties right next to the monument. A local cop called the BO campaign to get an apology for it.

The BO camp told him that the heads had to be placed there for security and the handicapped- no apology, just an excuse.


The reason he left the church is that it's time to get rid of all dead weight.

The funniest part about the whole fiasco is the reason that he gave.

He wanted to keep the parishoners from getting caught up in the circus and blamed the media!

The 'flock' was just as much to blame for not morons preach that crap.

I started to laugh when he made a statement about putting his kids in a church to pray and go to Sunday school. I guess he must have been unconcious when he attended services and signed the kids up for school.

During his speech yesterday I was looking at the clock and from the 7:15 to the 7:20 time frame he "ummed" 40 times.

I try to listen to every candidate speak, but this guy no tiene gracia para hablar!

He had no grace, no tempo, no style with out a que card or notes.

GWB may mangle the language, but he is fun to listen too and has no problem wearing the jester's hat.

The difference is knowing you are being laughed at and pretending you don't notice.