I never went to college after high school. However, I work for the University of Phoenix and part of the employee benefit package is free classes (you have to pay for books and a few other minor fees). I have worked there since November of 2002, and I finally decided to take the leap.

I start my classes on Monday the 12th. Yes, in 2 days. I will be starting my Associates of Arts in Psychology. I have always been interested and intrigued by psychology, and I figure if it's something I am going to actually manage to do, it needed to be something I am interested in even if it may not be "practical".

So here goes! I will probably be around a little bit less often than I am now. I will try and pop in at least a few times a week though. It's been 18 years since I was in school, so this may be really hard for me. I hope it isn't!

I just had to share with everyone. It's never too late to start school.
