Here are my 2 new foster kittens.

Bella is so enamored with these kitties it is unbelievable. She spent all last night guarding their bedroom door and I had to literally drag her away for her morning walk.

The vet put them at about 5 weeks old. I still don't know the background story on them or where momma cat is, but will update when I find out more. They are very sweet and definitely have been in contact with people before. The kittens we get are usually semi-wild, but these two have no fear. They were chasing the neighbors kids around 5 minutes after they arrived!

Oliver still doesn't know they are here, or if he does, he is pretending not to notice. I don't want a repeat of the whole territorial spraying that happened when I fostered Scarlett. I showed them to him yesterday in the front garden and he hissed then sprayed all over the plant at the front door. So I know his opinion of them right away. They are being kept in the downstairs bedroom when Oliver is in the house and when I am not here to watch the dogs with them.

So far the dogs are OK with them, it's only Jackie who tried to nip at one, but Bella put her in her place soon enough. Its pretty amazing to see a little dog to go after another dog who is million times her size to protect some kittens.