Ok, I may be in the minority about this as I often am on such things, but the new 'fad' of lolspeak drives me absolutely nuts and I just have to get it off my chest. Maybe it's because I have worked as an editor, and now as a transcriptionist; have been an avid reader and listener of song prose all my life and love the beauty of well communicated language.

Lolspeak seemed to become the thing when the website, icanhascheezburger, used this type of speaking to caption photos, but now it seems to have exploded and I feel like I am seeing it more and more everywhere I go on the net: blogs, message boards, youtube, etc. I did not think much about it when I saw it here and there, but since it has become such a popular thing to do, it has become like nails on chalkboard to me LOL.

I realize to a lot of people it's cute/funny and not a big deal. For folks who may wonder what in the world I am talking about, "lolspeak" is the deliberate use of improper grammar and misspelling, I think intended to be humorous, but in my opinion becoming overused and overdone.

Now I know, some may feel I need to lighten up. But we all have our peeves and this one happened to be niggling at me enough lately to vent it .