All my life i have lived with cats. All of them have gone too soon.
This is a sad tale, of 4 cats,each story is sadder than the next. i will never forget them.

My first cat was Snowy. She was around when i was still a baby. She was pure white and , im told, really fun. Then when we had to move to a different country we took her to the cat shelter. If she wasnt saved from there quickly she would be put down. She was probably put down.
My second cat was Susie. She was a tabby kitten, a really wild one. The problem there was my brother was alergic to her. she had really long hair. He hated her and pulled her tail and hit her whenever possible and in turn she hated him scratching and jumping out every ssecond. So then my dad took her to a "forest" a patch of trees near a highway...i dont think she survived.
Next was Simi. she was a siamese.I think she was the longest living cat we ever had besides the one we have now. We lived in an apartment and she was a housecat and had never been outside except for the balconys. Then one day without anyone knowing she sneaked out. For days we looked and then we found her collar next door. Her body was nearby. Im not sure what happned. My mum says the dogs killed her and its true there were many vicious dogs near our house.
Last was Amy. She was a siamese too.She was a runt i think. A tiny tiny little bity kitten. She was the most lovable cat ill ever know. But she loved my dad best of all. And one day my dad was sleeping on his bed with a foot hanging off. Amy loved him so much she slept right under his foot. Then my dad woke and stood up... We tried to save her but al she did was wrigle like crazy until she slowly, painfully stopped and stood still... We buried her at the bottom of our garden.She still lies there today...

Now i have Sim-Sim. She has lived with us for about 2 and 1/2 years. She has had kittens and operations and we love her to death. Shes my cat. I hope she lives forever.

Snowy, Susie, Simi and Amy. May you all be happy where ever you are and always know ill never forget you...