A family friend of ours had to PTS their Vizsla yesterday. Our friends found Remmy, or should I say he found them, when he dug under their fence and came into their yard. He was a young dog, 1-2 years old, healthy looking and neutered so they figured surely someone must be looking for him. They ran adds but to no avail found his owner, but Remmy already new he was at his furever home. Remmy was a really neat dog, had a great personality and loved everyone. He played hot-n-cold with treats hidden around the house, loved to be whereever the kids were, if you could not find Remmy look for the kids and there he would be. Remmy's family had finally come to the realization that it was time to let him go, his earthly body was slowly failing him and he was loosing control of all functions and progressively deteriorating. Remmy was now 18 years old. I have known Remmy for 15 years of my life and I will miss seeing him when I go over there. Please say a prayer to help his family heal from their broken hearts and remember the good times that Remmy brought when he decided that day to come into their yard and into their hearts forever.