I am putting this in the Dog House because I don't know where else to put it. It is not pet related, for the most part....and I suspect it is too personal to find a better place for it.

This is a message about stress in our lives. I know most everyone has it. I have been stressed to the max in the last year and one half and have been hanging on by my fingernails (well, it feels like it anyway)....

I just want to acknowledge everyone out there, who is or has been stressed to the max. It is such a difficult time and seems endless. Each of us, will, hopefully find some help and get through these times. I sense that each one of us, stressed or not, has our work cut out for us.

I am hoping that this thread will serve as a place to share some of the stresses, not that we don't in other threads. I will list a few of mine, just to let you know that I can be open and frank and that I too need help from time to time. I am not perfect.

1. My brother became very sick last Oct. and died in Nov. He was an important person in my life.
2. My 86 yr. old mother moved in with me last year, fell in June, broke her hip, went to a nursing home and then moved back in with me, but to a downstairs apartment, in September. I am now her caretaker.
3. Work is horrible, I work with insane people, for the most part. I need a new job. I have a history of working for insane people.
4. I broke my ankle in Jan. 07 - surgery....etc. while taking care of my mom and working. I still have issues with it.
5. Miley, my cat was put down in August.
6. Denver, my sick bunny died this month.
7. I turned 59 this month. I want to retire.
8. My sister stopped talking to me while at my brother's funeral because I asked her to show up sober. I admitted to her that I thought she had a serious drinking problem. She disowned me. Told me to consider her out of my life too, along with my brother. At this point I have no one but my mother who has dementia.
9. I have had major league depression and anxiety and have been doing the counseling thing.
10. I still want to retire. And of course, money is an issue.

So there, now you all know why I am cranky some times and vent at the wrong time.

I know we all have our history and issues. Mine are probably very minor compared to someone with the sick child or sick spouse.

Thanks for listening.