If I had a digital camera, this would be much more effective, but this is what I saw:

Honey, Lilly and Murphy are all asleep on their respective beds on the floor in my office. The three beautiful girls (2 Goldens, 1 Yellow Lab) are in a circle on the floor.

Mimi (our 13 year old cat) is cuddled up in a nest of pillows on the sofa.

Butter (the terror cat that I love) is asleep on Helen's bed

Roger and Millie Cockatiel just got out for their daily stretch and are singing (Zippity Do Dah, of course, Roger refuses to learn a new song) and eating linguini noodles and fresh green lettuce.
Olivia Hamster is asleep currently, as she always does during the day.

What a peaceful house this is! And what a pleasure it is for me to be able to be at home, working, during the day, right here in the midst of all of them!!! All 8 are accounted for and happy. What more could a girl ask for???
