Hi Maria, I am Sandie! I am so pleased that you decided to join PT. This site is so much fun!

Oh here is a quick run down on how to post photos!

Store the photos on your PC, in a Pictures folder.
Open a FREE account in photobucket.

Set up a new subalbum. I use a subject and the date I am posting the pics on Pet Talk.

CLICK on the subalbum you just created, so that you are working in it.
Upload your photos.
Notice that each photo has 3 lines of code below it. You will be using the bottom one, IMG.

Open a new window, or a new tab in WINDOWS, and get into Pet Talk, start your new thread.

When you get to the point that you want the photo, click on the IMG line in photobucket under the photo you want. You will see a yellow "COPIED" box. Come back to PT and paste the line of code.

You will see [IMG] bunch of stuff for photobucket[/IMG]
Finish your text, add more pics if you want. When you click on submit, you will see the photos.

Drives you crazy the first few times, then you get the hang of it.

I am so glad you, Tyler, and Jaxx are joining us here on Pet Talk!