Quote Originally Posted by crow_noir
I was wondering if someone could make me up a little dancing icon. still would be fine, but moving would be awesome. It's to commemorate King. He so reminded me of Snoopy. Happy and dancing. I've had this in my head for months now and am horrible at doing computer drawings.

Here's a quick sketch i did for reference for aprox. size and location of body parts... though i'd want it (the canine, not the graphic) to be a bit taller. Ummm... yeah it'll be the attachment. (Edit: after i posted it i seen it is a tad larger than what i'd want.)

I found where i sort of got the movement idea from. http://celebswap.com/pics/style_emot...gerDancing.gif I'd also want it about that size. I want it more pixilated though like the smilies. (I love pixels and outlines.) I'd also want the movement to be slower like http://www.iconburst.com/the-icons/silly/silly1.gif To really get in the mood for this i suggest looking up images of Snoopy dancing. King embodied love and happiness. (and looked a lot like a wolf. That's why I'd want this to look like a little black wolf.)

I know this is asking a lot so i'll understand if no one wants to do it.


Also, could someone point me to a tutorial on how to turn avatars into several images. I only know how to make one image avatars.


Thanks in advance to help with either!!!
Sorry I can't help with this one either. I simply cannot draw. I could animate any drawings you might have though. Sorry again. I wish I could help you.