Sask Bible camp counsellor facing heat for roasting squirrel in front of kids

1 hour, 29 minutes ago

CHRISTOPHER LAKE, Sask. (CP) - A counsellor at a northern Saskatchewan Bible camp is feeling the heat for killing and roasting a squirrel over a campfire.

The bushy-tailed rodent was injured after the counsellor at Camp Kadesh threw a stick in its direction.

Camp director Curtis Anderson says the man destroyed the injured animal and wanted to prove that nothing should go to waste by skinning and roasting it.

A few counsellors ate some of the squirrel, although none of the 120 children at the camp had any.

But two parents were outraged and called the camp demanding that the veteran counsellor be fired.

Anderson admits the counsellor made a mistake, but after checking with the RCMP and the SPCA, it was determined he did nothing illegal.