any takers? Rusty is a pain the a$$, first he was tarren after Leck all the time, which a well placed agressive alpha roll took care of, and they are now friends. he barks non stop, pisses everywhere, doesnt repond to any sort of positive methodes(like treats, play or praise) if he doesnt feel like it at the time. and now he has ever so kindly put a very large hole in Ripleys face(the side of his eye, down to his lip) . Rip is doing ok now thankfully, my mom went out of town this morning and thats when it happend(just before she left) she did quite the funky bandage to keep it together, called me at work told me she had it bandaged and I might need an e-collar, then left town! so I get home from work and find this totally weird banadge that CANNOT stay on because his mouth was basicly taped shut(he could open it a teeny bit, but not even enugh to properly breath in this heat) so I kenneled the dogs again, grabbed Ripley and took him to my bosses(I am a family friend) they helped me get that damn banadge off, which took half his hair out with it. thankfully it was closed enugh by this time that he didnt need stiches, so we put this salve stuff on it, supposed to work marcles im told lol its like a disinfectant and a healing thing. so we put that stuff on it, wrapped his head in gauze, they gave me some of the salve to take home. by the time we got home he had pawed the gauze all off lol, and they called as soon as I got in and checked in, and helped me make a make-shift cone for the night.

I am begining to think Rustys orginal name(before his last owners changed it) was more approprite....Cujo.

and whats story about a coneheaded dog, without a picture?