Marty's mom called me up today. She had a few vet questions that we talked about and then she started telling me about how he was doing there. She said they just absolutely love him, he loves to sunbathe in the backyard and has a bobo(the wiener dog toy on Petsmart) that he just adores. She said he just carries it around everywhere and already chewed off an ear lol She said he also just goes to town on the squeaking, absolutely loves it. That definitely sounds like him. He adored stuffies especially ones that could squeak. She said he gets along wonderfully with her other dog, Peyton and they just tear it up. I'm so glad to hear all of that. She's going to be mailing me pics soon. I can't wait to get them. I really wanted to cry talking on the phone with her, it was extremely hard to talk. I miss Marty but I know he's doing good where he is now. She'll let me come visit when I can, probably won't be until I can drive though.