This past Saturday Andy and I went to the local reptile show to get feeders for the snake, food for the geckos, and just browse around. We ended up bringing home two Purple Pinchers as well.

I hadn't had hermit crabs in years and to be honest, I wasn't a great hermit mom back then.

Saw some Strawberry crabs at Petco a couple of weeks ago and decided to do some research.

Still haven't named them, but we're certain the big guy is a boy since Andy didn't see any pleopods when he changed shells. It was too dark to tell on the little guy. Andy is so lucky as he saw them swapping shells many times last night.

Anyway, here are a few photos I snapped last night.

The big guy

The little guy

Food and salt bath on the left - Jungle gym and hide in the center

Water and extra shells on the right

Big guy getting a drink

Line up at the watering hole

Big guy up high

Any ideas for names?