So many of you needing prayers, and I promise I will pray for each of you. May I add a request, too?

My sister is having surgery this morning and I wish I could head to Winston Salem to be with her. She has had nothing but problems since her hysterectomy and lymph node removal in January (she was diagnosed with endometrial cancer) and today they are going to do an incision to remove more lymph nodes and a cyst that formed from the last surgery, which was done laproscopically. My parents are going up this afternoon and will stay as long as she needs them to. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers, you guys. She needs to feel better and be done with this. She expressed concern last night that the lymph nodes they are removing today might be cancerous and that's the first time she has said that. They had told her that the cancer was contained and they "got it all" when they did the hysterectomy, but apparently her surgeon is now doubting that. I hope they find that it is still ok and she can finally start to recover, fully. Enough is enough! This will be the 3rd time that she has had general anesthesia in 5 months, first the original surgery, then to put in a drain for the fluid that was collecting and not being absorbed. Today, once again, she is "under" and will have the incision that they avoided before. I am so worried about her.
