I was visiting my friend's house yesterday. Her neighbor who has ALOT of cats (more than me) has a stray black unneutered male kitty that's been hanging on her from porch. She's been feeding him and actually went around the neighborhood asking people if he belonged to them. No takers. She remembers walking her dog and seeing a black cat sitting in the window of a house but doesn't remember what house.

He's a great kitty, young (about a year or year and a half old). She's thinking about taking him to WAGS, a rescue organization in the Michigan area. I would LOVE to take him, but already have 6 cats (2 neutered males).

Having that "oh just one more won't kill me" thought in my head, I can't stop thinking about him. Kathy said that when her cats came to the door and he saw them through the glass, he hissed, growled and beared his claws. So I'm not sure if he'd be okay with other cats.

Please try to talk me out of this. With Halloween coming, I'm very worried something might happen to him. I keep saying "no more!!!!" but my heartstrings are tugging away.