My precious Zac, my beautiful "Zacky", it's been 5 days now since we said goodbye and we all miss you more than words can say.

Your human brother Chris misses the little friend he used to scoop up when he got in from school and cuddle in front of the TV. You were an independent boy - you loved cuddles, but they had to be your idea. Except with Chris. If he picked you up, you stayed with him.

Your Dad misses his little shadow. You were always right beside him - reading a newspaper is so much more fun with your best boy cat sprawled over it. You only had to say "miow" to your Dad and he knew exactly what you wanted.

As for me, my precious, I feel like there's a vice gripping my heart. The house seems empty without you - there's not a single inch I can't picture you in. As I sit here, I keep expecting to hear the tinkle of your bell as you trot down the hall and to see your little face peeping at he from the doorway. You should be on my lap right now, or sitting on the desk brushing your tail against the screen and sending everything flying.

We are looking after your sister Zoe for you. You two have hardly been apart since the moment you were born and spent so much of your time in "pussy piles", licking each other and snuggling. You even saved her life once, when she needed a blood transfusion. Don't you worry, we'll take care of Zoe - we love her too.

You were only 7 years old, much too young to leave us. We should have had another 10 years or more together. But I want you to know, my sweet boy, that I treasure every second I spent with you, and I feel so lucky and honoured to be your Mum. I love you so much, and you will live in my heart and dreams forever. I'd give the world to have you back with me now, but I know we'll meet again one day. Until then, you play happily at the Rainbow Bridge my darling.

Such a handsome boy

Tummy rubs from Dad

You loved that laundry basket!

Zoe misses you sweetheart