My parents always expect me to be as perfect as my sister. They are always saying "Your not as skinny as your sister". "You never are busy like Jaclyn." "Your hair isn't perfect like your sisters". I AM SO SICK OF THIS!! I am not my sister, we aren't the same person just because we have the same blood. They always have to make me feel lousy and they always want me to be like my sister..I don't want to be like her. Behind the scenes she is really rude, conceded, obsessed with herself...I'm not like that.

Tonight I got my report card and I didn't do to good in math. I got a D+. Yes, that is a very good reason to be mad and stuff, but really. They just told me to try harder and they are going to help me understand it more. Me and my teacher will also work on it. I am working on it, and with all this help I will improve. But the thing that made me mad tonight is that my mom said, "Why can't you get honor certificates like your sister?" I stormed away and yelled "BECAUSE I'M NOT HER!" this is really the last draw. I really can't put up with being like my sister.

Over the years, my mom has tried to turn me into her. About 3 years ago, she made quit basketball and horse-back riding to enroll me in dance. I hate dancing, I can't do it for my life and I was unhappy a whole year. She has said she will let me rejoin my old sports, and has failed to do so. She tried to make me grow out my bangs, but I refuse. She wants me to get contacts, when in reality I really don't like them. This is all stuff my sister has/does, and I just recently noticed an ungoing pattern. My mom is really cool, she never punishes me, well rarely, and she always lets me hang out with friends but sometimes I can't help but get mad at her because she is trying to turn me into something I'm not.

I really think me and her have some issues we need to work out but I really don't think she will stop, it's gone too far and I've let it happen far too long.

Thanks for the rant, and sorry it's long.