For those who don't know, NJ's Governor Corzine was in a very serious accident yesterday on the Garden State Parkway here in NJ. His injuries, though not life threatening, are very serious. He has 12 broken ribs among other broken bones and is listed in critical condition. He is sedated because breathing is very painful with all of those broken ribs. It was discovered that he was not wearing a seat belt. One of the people who reported early from the scene said that his legs were *dangling out of the window.* That sort of told me that he couldn't have been wearing a seat belt and apparently now it has been confirmed. I am wondering how many people here don't use seat belts. It is very easy to just *buckle up* and it can save lives, not to mention all of the serious injuries that Gov. Corzine has suffered. I am not berating Gov. Corzine, but I bet he will *buckle up* the next time he is riding in a car.