My poor pleck died yesterday. He hadn't been well for a while now, and i'd been trying everything i could do over the last month to get him better, but he died yesterday I'd had him for 8 years, from the time he was a 2" little fish that my sister rescued from her workplace, through 3 moves, to his new home in a much larger tank, which he was really happy in for the last few months, plecking around the tank, landing on the other fish, etc.

I'll miss my guy plecking around the tank. We had a nice burial out at my dads last night, and toasted him with martinis in the backyard. Hes' buried out back beside his old buddy/arch rival The Big Guy (my dads Cichlid, they used to live together until differences of opinion about 6 years back got them separated).

RIP Super.Pleck