I'll take the opportunity to thank you too, Karen and Paul. You are doing an amazing job running PT so smoothly. Oh, the patience you have!!

In the years I've been a member here, I have enjoyed it immensely, we've had so much fun, and I have met some really nice people, and even visited USA because of PT. Unfortunately, some members don't get what PT is all about, and they are the reason that others don't take part as much as they would have. Perhaps it would be an idea to point new members to "Threads of the Year" so they would know a little about what we like about PT before they decide to join - if they like it, join, if they don't, stay away!

PT is probably the friendliest Forum on the web and I hope we can all help get it back on track one of these days!

Hugs to you, Karen and Paul - and noserubs to miss Hoppy.