Maybe I am on my way to being a crazy cat lady, maybe just because these kittens are just as much mine as they are Snow's.. but guess what?? Mama's girl went pee in the litter box!!!!! I think you guys may be the only ones who would understand how that possibly could be exciting. lol This is the first for either of them.

They are eating quite a bit of kitten food now too, they know where the dish is and I am finding them there more and more often. No water yet, I havnt forced that issue just yet. Snow is already spending less and less time with them. Actually she never has been a constant mom. Since they were tiny she would nurse and clean them, then leave. She spends her days lounging around the house. Lately I have been bringing them to her since she will let them go for hours without going near them. Today I noticed she was getting engorged it had been so long!! Luckily they have interest in food and such already, I think mom may wean them pretty early. Snow is the type of cat that is way into herself. lol Not the best mom type. She does keep them well groomed. She is the OCD type that is ALWAYS cleaning and spotless.