just like any other day I was minding m bussiness when on the way home I saw a pen thing with puppies..........and you know I canīt stand puppies ....so I had to go there and pet them, I hate seeing them being sold like that but I just canīt help myself and go pet them and play a little with them.......such a puppy sucker I am........

there were 3 poodles, like 6 chihuahuas, 2 white boxers, 1 schnauzer,2 black lab mixes, an adorable flower sharpei (never saw one in real like, I mean in person), 2 gorgeous black akitas (made me think of Robilee ) and 2 other black dogs with a white chest patch and white toes, medium hair lenght...

anyway as I was there some other people stopped by and were asking about puppies and prices and all, i just stood and listened.......

and a person asked about the medium haired black dogs.......and the man there said they are ..........(seriously he said this)........GOLDEN RETRIEVERS, but black........(COME ON!! do you know ANYTHING about breeds at all??)

they seemed more like newfie mixes or probably lab mixes as we donīt have newfies around here........maybe some lab/golden because they DID have a certain golden look in the eyes but that was it........

I canīt believe they tell people that and more so that people actually believe itīs true!!......Iīm mad because thya may think we are ignorant but they sure donīt know who they were talking to.....(well they were not actually talking to me but still, why did they assume they are right and we donņt know nothing).......arrgg I hate this people........

sorry I had to vent/rant......and thought this would be better posted here......

nonetheless..........pretty puppies and cute and adorable......